
Susan McDonough

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JMIS Special Issue: “Performing Death,” 2024

Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies 16.1 (2024): “Performing Death: Gendering Grief, Ritual, and Memorialization in Late Medieval Iberia,” Núria Jornet-Benito and Nuria Silleras-Fernandez, eds.

Introduction: “Performing Death in Medieval Iberia: An Introduction to the End of Life,” Nuria Silleras-Fernandez.

Núria Jornet-Benito & Irene Brugués Massot, “La muerte de la abadesa: comunidad y ritualización en el monasterio de Sant Pere de les Puel·les.”

Blanca Garí, “The chest of memory: the funeral rites of Maria Álvarez de Xèrica and her burial in the Convent of Santa Catarina in Barcelona.”

María del Mar Graña Cid, “Isabel la Católica y el hecho funerario: la soberanía femenina en clave de performatividad franciscana.”

Ana Maria S.A. Rodrigues, “Splendour in life, humility in death: Queen Leonor de Lencastre (1458-1525) and the women around her.”

Elena Woodacre, “Absent in (life and) death? Examining the tombs of Navare’s regnant queens and the shaping of their memory.”

Sarah Ifft Decker, “The widow and the notary: death, gender, and legal culture in the Jewish and Christian communities of medieval Catalonia.”

Susan McDonough and Michelle Armstrong-Partida, “Affective networks across the divide: singlewomen, the notarial archive, and social connections in the late medieval Mediterranean.”